Sponsorship Opportunities
We are excited to announce the 2024 National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular will be held July 23-27 at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse! The 2023 animals exhibited were extraordinary, with 42 All-American winners and nominations walking through our ring! Last year we had 170 entries from 80 exhibitors and 10 states. Our commitment to the future shines through in our show clinics, judging contests, and fun events for our Ayrshire youth.
Your generous support allows this outstanding show to thrive as a premiere marketing and educational opportunity. We are still the largest all Ayrshire show in the country! The economy is tough, and we know you have many opportunities to sponsor. We hope you choose us as we celebrate agriculture, dairy, and our youth. 2024 will be another spectacular year for Ayrshires!
The 2024 sponsor levels, benefits and details are below. Every donation allows us to deliver an experience second to none. As always, we are open to your suggestions for sponsorship usage. We appreciate every product and every dollar given to us.
Our creative offerings for exhibitors are talked about ALL YEAR at EVERY SHOW.
We hope you can be a part of that discussion and our extensive promotions.
Junior, Intermediate & Senior Champion Sponsorship $150 each
Premier Breeder or Exhibitor Sponsorship: $125 Youth and Open (8 opportunities)
Reserve Junior/Intermediate/Senior Champion Sponsorship $100 each
Master Showman/Reserve Master Showman Sponsorship: $100 each
"Blue Ribbon Sponsor" $150-$249
"Red Ribbon Sponsor" $100-$149
"White Ribbon Sponsor" $50-$99
Class Sponsor $40 each for Open and Youth
Once you have selected your level of sponsorship, feel free to email your intent and your
logo for promotional activities to NationalSummerAyrshire@gmail.com
Your marketing banners, flyers, and brochures are also welcome and can be mailedwith your check to the
address below. Zelle payments can be made (no fees) to mkhaynes24@gmail.com.
Bill AP & AR use nationalsummerayrshire@gmail.com
National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular
c/o Marlene Helms
2074 Snyder Hill Road
Cortland, NY 13045
We are elevating our presence and our message as our show grows. Our marketing team members are promotional wizards. Their goal is to increase the public’s knowledge, support the Ayrshire breeders, and bring new attention to your business. Thank you again for your time and support.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or suggestions.
*Sponsorships are available on a first-to commit basis. Previous sponsors will have the right of first renewal in subsequent years. All efforts will be made to satisfy sponsorship requests. You do not need to specify a specialty option and can choose the general fund. All funds are used to support the show and the exhibitors