Entries will be on showman.app and will open June 10, 2024.
All entries will be virtual.
Entries will close on July 10, 2024.
Late entries will be accepted until July 22, 2024 pending space & availability.
Entry Information
All entry applications are subject to approval by National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular (NSAS). Exhibitors will receive notice of acceptance or denial. Entry in both individual and group classes must be made on the form online. All entries will be entered into a secure online application. Faxed or emailed entries are not accepted as an official entry. Entries open June 10, 2024. There is no limit per class per exhibitor, unless otherwise noted by national breed association rules.
Online Entry Available
All entries will be processed using Showman: https://showman.app/#/
This rulebook and all enclosed forms are available by request. You may utilize the online entry system and pay (standard entry fees) by credit card (online only) until 11:59 p.m. (EST) on July 10, 2024 or until capacity, whichever comes first. Late entries will continue to be accepted online until 11:59 p.m. (EST) July 22, 2024 or until capacity, whichever comes first. All animals must have an official USDA AIN or Canadian CCIA RFID number listed on the entry form at time of entry submission. Pending identification will not be accepted. (See page 19 for acceptable forms of identification.) This information will be used for health check-in upon your arrival. Show check-in must use a breed association ORIGINAL registration document and other records to verify entry records.
Entry Fee Summary
The following entry fee schedule (in U.S. Dollars) will be followed:
Entry Fee
Open Ayrshire Show (Heifer/Cow) - $40
Junior Ayrshire Show (Heifer/Cow) - Free with Open Show Entry (MUST be entered in Open Show to participate in Junior Show)
Group Class (Heifer/Cow) -$10
Please note that by endorsing the entry form: entrants, authorized agents and representatives including, but not limited to, fitters and/or caregivers, have agreed to follow the rules of the NSAS and the law as stated herein. It is possible for violators of these laws to be subject to citations for each infraction. Penalties for violating NSAS rules, pending severity, can include but are not limited to loss of stalling location, monetary fine, forfeiture of premiums and/or banishment from the Show. Additionally, individuals engaging in conduct that results in damage, injury or death could also be subject to very substantial damages in a civil lawsuit. Furthermore, any sanctioned dairy exhibitor or employee could lose the privilege to exhibit at the NSAS.
Bedding & Feed Pre-Orders
The following items are available from the NYSF's authorized vendor - exhibitors may call the vendor directly: Harry Moore 315-727-0134
- Shavings
- Beet Pulp
- Straw
- 1st Cut Hay
- 2nd Cut Hay
- Alfalfa
Entry Fee Refund Policy
Entry Fee Refund Policy: No refunds of entry fees will be issued for any reason, including entries made for animals that do not show.
Definition of a String
A string is defined as: By consent of all owners, animals are interspersed within a row that must share tack, feed, bedding, clipping space, crew, and are sharing transportation.
Class Information​
2024 Heifer Show
All animals exhibiting in the Ayrshire Show must be verified as at least 87% Ayrshire by the U.S. Ayrshire Breeders’ Association.
Spring Heifer Calf: Born on or after March 1, 2024 and over 4 months of age at show time
Winter Heifer Calf: Born December 2023, January, February 2024
Fall Heifer Calf: Born September, October, November 2023
Summer Yearling Heifer: Born June, July, August 2023
Spring Yearling Heifer: Born March, April, May 2023
Winter Yearling Heifer: Born December 2022, January, February 2023
Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk): Born September, October, November 2022
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion
Junior Best Three Females: Group to consist of 3 animals Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk) and younger, none of which have freshened. All three animals must have been bred by the exhibitor and at least one owned by the exhibitor. Partnership bred animals, outside the family, may not be included in this class. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.
Premier Breeder of Heifer Show
Premier Exhibitor of Heifer Show
2024 Cow Show
All animals exhibiting in the Ayrshire Show must be verified as at least 87% Ayrshire by the U.S. Ayrshire Breeders’ Association.
Yearling Heifer in Milk (must have freshened): born September 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022
Summer Junior Two-Year Old Cow (must have freshened): Born June 1 - August 31, 2022
Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (must have freshened): Born March 1 - May 31, 2022
Senior Two-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2020 - February 28, 2022
Junior Three-Year-Old Cow: Born March 1 - August 31, 2021
Senior Three-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2019 - February 28, 2021
Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show
Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion
Four-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2019 - August 31, 2020
Five-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019
Aged Cow: Born before September 1, 2018
Lifetime Component Merit Cow: Must meet one of the following two requirements: 100,000 lbs. lifetime milk produced OR produced 7,500 combined pounds of fat and protein. Official DRMS/DHIA production records required by 6:00 p.m. on July 25.
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion
Best Bred and Owned of the Junior Show
Best Bred and Owned of the Open Show
Senior Best Three Females: Group to consist of 3 animals Yearling Heifer in Milk and older. All three animals must have been bred by the exhibitor and at least one owned by the exhibitor. Partnership bred animals, outside the family, may not be included in this class. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.
Exhibitor’s Herd: The class will consist of five animals: two (2) over two years of age, two (2) under two years of age and one (1) any age. Must be owned by the same family or farm.
Dam & Daughter: Two animals, the dam and her daughter, any age. Both animals must be named on the entry form but need not be owned by the same exhibitor. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry per dam.
Produce of Dam: Two animals, any age, the produce of one cow which must be named. Animals need not both be owned by one exhibitor.
Please note - Classes 20-22 are NOT recognized as National Show Classes by the ABA.
Rules for Junior-Owned Animals
All general rules of NSAS apply, including the NSAS Showring Policy and Code of Ethics.
The Junior Show will be held at the same time as the Open Show. Juniors will be recognized, placed and awarded ribbons and premiums by stepping forward in their respective Open Show classes.
Eligibility: ABA rules apply: Exhibitors may participate after they reach 9 years of age and until December 31 of year in which he or she turns 21 years old. Exhibitors MUST be a National Junior Member of the Ayrshire Breeders Association. A list of Junior Exhibitors will be provided to the ABA Office 2 weeks prior to the show to check membership eligibility.
Ownership: Animals may be owned solely by the junior exhibitor or in a partnership provided the junior exhibitor’s name appears on the registration paper, prior to August 1. All purchased animals must be transferred by August 1. The recorded date and not the delivery date will be considered the transfer date. Registration papers will be checked at the show. In lieu of ownership, an Ayrshire Breeders’ Association lease agreement will be accepted. The lease form must be received by the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association office prior to August 1st.
Participation: a) A junior exhibitor may exhibit up to two (2) animals per class, with a substitute showman, as long as the substitute showman is the same age as or younger than the junior exhibitor. Not more than four may be shown in the entire show that were not bred by the exhibitor. In order to qualify as breeder, the registration paper must show the junior exhibitor or a partnership including the junior exhibitor as the breeder. b) Adults are not allowed to show in any Junior class or assist in the ring. c) White pants and an official NYSAS Junior Show shirt are required to be worn or the junior will not be allowed to show his/her animal.
Leadsperson: To be eligible to compete at National Shows, entries must be shown by the Junior owner in all cases, except by prior written approval. Alternate Leadsperson forms must be submitted to the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association office or ABA representative by 5:00 p.m. the day before the show. Written requests must be submitted by this time or the animal is ineligible to show, unless there is an unforeseen circumstance. Alternate leadspersons must be (1) siblings of the exhibitor who are eligible to show by age, OR (2) if not a sibling, be of the same age category (Junior – ages 9-12) (Intermediate- ages 13-15) (Senior – ages 16-21) as the exhibitor of the animal being shown. All ages are as of January 1st of the year of competition.
Entry Requirements: All open show entry requirements and fees apply. The stall fee will qualify the exhibitor for open and junior show participation. All entries must be made on NSAS’s entry application, submitted online with proper payment. Junior Exhibitor must be checked on the animal entry to signify Junior ownership.
Financial Support: Premiums are not awarded in the Junior Show.