Board of Directors, Committee Members, & Volunteers
Board of Directors
Show Director: Diana Parker
Show Co-Director: Marlene Helms
Facilities Superintendent: Neal Helms
Entries & Marketing: Taylor Bogardus & Toni Jacque
Committee Members
Amanda Licata
Angela Fuller
Rachel Evans
Kelly Wilcox
Erin Curtis
Charlie Clark
Kathy Mahon, D.V.M
Ethics Committee
Amanda Licata
Charlie Clark
Marlene Helms
Kathy Mahon DVM
Diana Parker- ethics coordinator
Entry Information
Entry Application
All entry applications are subject to approval by the National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular (NSAS) Entries Chairman. Exhibitors will receive notice of acceptance or denial. Entry in both individual and group classes must be made on the form online. All entries will be entered into a secure online application. Faxed or emailed entries are not accepted as an official entry. The entry application must be properly signed and accompanied by the entry fee. If the entry fee does not accompany the entry it will NOT be processed. Entries open June 10, 2024. There is no limit per class per exhibitor, unless otherwise noted by national breed association junior rules.
Online Entry Available
All entries will be processed using Showman: https://showman.app/#/
This rulebook and all enclosed forms are available by request. You may utilize the online entry system and pay (standard entry fees) by credit card (online only) until 11:59 p.m. (EST) on July 10, 2024. Late entries will continue to be accepted online until 11:59 p.m. (EST) July 22, 2024. All animals must have an official USDA AIN or Canadian CCIA RFID number listed on the entry form at time of entry submission. Pending identification will not be accepted. (See page 19 for acceptable forms of identification.) This information will be used for health check-in upon your arrival. Show check-in must use a breed association ORIGINAL registration document and other records to verify entry records.
Entry Fee Summary
The following entry fee schedule (in U.S. Dollars) will be followed:
Entry Fee Late Entry
Open Ayrshire Show (Heifer/Cow)
$40 $100
Group Class (Heifer/Cow
Exhibitors Herd - No entry fee
Please note that by endorsing the entry form: entrants, authorized agents and representatives including, but not limited to, fitters and/or caregivers, have agreed to follow the rules of the NSAS and the law as stated herein. It is possible for violators of these laws to be subject to citations for each infraction. Penalties for violating NSAS rules, pending severity, can include but are not limited to loss of stalling location, monetary fine, forfeiture of premiums and/or banishment from the Show. Additionally, individuals engaging in conduct that results in damage, injury or death could also be subject to very substantial damages in a civil lawsuit. Furthermore, any sanctioned dairy exhibitor or employee could lose the privilege to exhibit at the NSAS. Please be advised that the NSAS will use officers and law enforcement from the New York State Sheriff Department to assist with enforcing NSAS’s policies should events deem it necessary.
Entry Fee Refund Policy
Entry Fee Refund Policy: No refunds of entry fees will be issued for any reason, including entries made for animals that do not show.
Definition of a String
A string is defined as: By consent of all owners, animals are interspersed within a row that must share tack, feed, bedding, clipping space, and are sharing transportation. This does NOT include crew, or by another term, “night crew” when defining a string of animals.
On-Site Rules and Information
Release of Liability
Every precaution will be taken to properly protect animals and exhibits in this show. The management, however, will not be liable for the safety of animals, exhibits, exhibitors or their employees, or for losses sustained because of robbery, damage by fire, accident or any other cause. Exhibitors wishing to insure their livestock or exhibits must do so at their own expense.
The Facility Superintendent uses the Stalling Request Form to stall your string. Please complete the stalling form, available online with your entry form, with as much information as possible and submit with entries or by July 5th . After July 5th, please contact the Entries Chairman. No stall information will be given over the phone; stalls will be assigned prior to arrival on site. Consideration on stalling space requests will be given only if the Stalling Request Form is adequately completed.
Tie space will be assigned to animals entered at approximately four (4) feet (ft.) per entry and additional space for tack and feed will be dependent on the number of entries and exhibitors as determined by the Facility Superintendent. Space is limited - please plan on using Outdoor Storage areas for tack, feed, bedding and clipping chutes. Exhibitors must confine their animals to the space assigned to them.
Reception of Animals
Exhibitors will be allowed to move onto grounds beginning at 4 p.m. Tuesday July 23rd. All animals must be on-grounds by 12 p.m. Thursday. We are unable to accommodate early arrivals. You may contact the Director or Co-Director for any emergency delays. Penalties for not observing these rules can include incurring fines and potentially not being able to serve in an official capacity with NSAS. Exhibitors arriving on grounds prior to the scheduled arrival date and time or without prior permission will not be allowed on grounds and further subjected to rules of violation.
Animal Identification & Health Paper Check-In
Health papers of ALL animals will be checked as animals arrive on the grounds. Below are details to expedite your check in.
An official form of registration for the Ayrshire Breed.
All animals must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI), issued within 30 days of arrival at fairgrounds, signed by an accredited veterinarian, with animals individually identified.
Health papers are required to list the full 15-digit animal-attached AIN/CCIA identification.
A Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) RFID tag (for example 124 000299999999) 15-digit number starting with 124
A USDA 840 Animal Identification Number (AIN) RFID or visual tag (for example 840 003007863940) 15-digit number starting with 840
*NOTE: Manufacturer coded 900, 982 or 985 RFID tags were discontinued as official ID by USDA starting in 2015. However, tags applied before March 11, 2015 will be recognized for the life of the animal.
Health papers for ALL animals on your trailer will be checked. We encourage you to bring an extra copy.
Once an initial review of the health papers is completed, a check-in team will escort you to your stalling location.
Animals will then be checked against health papers as they come off the trailer by the Entries Chairman and/or any other NSAS designated official.
Release of Cattle
Cattle are free to leave at any time for the duration of the event; this includes exhibitors with heifers shown on Friday that will not take part in the group classes or Grand Champion Class on Saturday. All exhibitors must vacate the premises no later than 12 a.m. Sunday, July 28 - NO EXCEPTIONS. Should a delay occur the exhibitor causing said delay will be responsible for any and all additional rental fees as determined by the New York State Fairgrounds.
On-Site Rules Committee
The On-Site Rules Committee’s role is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our exhibitors and the facility itself, The New York State Fairgrounds. If the result of facility damage or rule violations occur directly in conflict with the New York State Fairgrounds it is the obligation of the On-Site Rules Committee to address the issues.
In the event an on-site rules violation allegedly takes place, it will be reviewed by the On-Site Rules Committee. The Committee includes the Show Director and Show Co-Director. The ruling will then be communicated to the involved party(ies). Written communication/documentation will be distributed to the party(ies) and retained in the National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular files. Consequences are dependent on severity of said rules violation.
Feed and Bedding Storage
Pre-ordered feed and bedding will be available upon your arrival in either your stalling location or the designated feed and bedding pick-up area. External storage (Outdoor Storage) is based on a first-come first-serve basis and is highly encouraged. Unusable external storage space will be identified by ground marking tape. If storage enters the boundary of marking tape where items are prohibited, said items within the boundary will be removed without warning. Bales of straw and/or hay may be stacked to a height of 8-feet. Round and large square bales of hay/straw must be kept tidy for the duration of the show. Violation of grounds safety and cleanliness regulations are considered rules violations and are subject to review by the Facility Superintendent.
Feed Vendor
The Dairy Cattle Show Committee reserves the right to subcontract feed and bedding vendors. Anyone not contracted through NSAS, that is found to be selling feed or bedding on NSAS grounds will be subject to all penalties enforceable. No bedding is provided by NSAS. Shredded newspaper or bark bedding is not permitted.
Feed and Bedding Delivery Times
Feed and bedding supplies may be purchased from NSAS official feed vendor. Vehicle delivery times for all feed and bedding purchased from and delivered by the official feed vendor Wednesday through Saturday will be delivered at times scheduled by the vendor.
Unsettled Bills
All bills with the official NSAS feed vendor and veterinarian must be settled before leaving the grounds. All unsettled bills with the official veterinarian and NSAS are subject to late fees until the past due amount is paid in full. Exhibitors with unpaid bills will be barred from exhibiting cattle at the following year’s NSAS.
Official Veterinary Service
Midstate Veterinary Services, serves as the NSAS on-call veterinarian. They will be available to exhibitors for treatment of animals. Reasonable charges will be made for veterinary services and payment is due in full at time of service. In case of emergency, you may call Midstate Veterinary Services at 607-753-3315.
All sharps MUST be disposed of in sharps containers. Disposal of sharps in garbage cans, recycle bins and manure bins is strictly prohibited. Sharps containers are the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide and discard of.
Milking Equipment & Milk Disposal
State of New York sanitary regulations stipulate, NSAS is not permitted to sell any milk produced from an exhibitor’s individual milking equipment (can milk). Exhibitors must bring their own vacuum pumps and portable milking equipment and containers. A milking station will not be provided for the duration of the show. Any and all buckets of milk produced must be emptied into the milk dumping station outside of the Barn. At the direction of the New York State Fairgrounds, exhibitors are not allowed to dispense raw milk or other biological materials into any floor drains, manure pit or release outlets on New York State Fairgrounds premises. Dispensing of such material is a direct violation and may result in financial penalties as allowed by State, County and local statutes. If the milk receiving station is not being emptied frequently enough, please notify any committee member.
Manure and Trash Disposal
We ask for all exhibitors’ cooperation in keeping the Barns and Grounds as clean as possible. If your animal drops manure in the aisles, we ask that you clean it up immediately. Manure must be removed by the exhibitor and taken to the specified location outside of the Barn for the duration of the show. It must not be piled in the aisles or in the Barns. Exhibitors must provide their own manure carts to move waste to the specified manure location. String, cans, and other trash must be deposited in the trash containers provided. Only bedding materials and manure are to be hauled to the compost site. Milk may NOT be dumped in manure piles, Barn drains, or anywhere on New York State Fairgrounds.
Cattle Movement
Cattle traffic areas (wash racks, walkways, roads) must be maintained. Exhibitors are asked to assist in the maintenance of these areas.
Cattle Washing
Cattle washing must be done within the designated wash racks. These are drained to sanitary sewers to comply with Onondaga County health requirements. Surface runoff of soaps, manure, etc., must be prevented. The wash rack outside of the barn, next to the manure pit, is open to all exhibitors and cattle to use.
Barn and Exhibitor Displays
Exhibitors are encouraged to display appropriate farm and cattle signage. Exhibitor signage must be hung within the assigned stalling area and may not be hung or displayed on the outside or entryway of buildings. Signage and promotion are limited to: animals owned and their genetics, the farm/owner and/or dairy show cattle services. Forms of promotion include, but are not limited to, signage, hand-outs, flyers, videos and giveaways. No Commercial Exhibitor, non-Exhibitor or Sponsor, including Affiliated Companies, shall display signage or promotional materials or distribute and/or provide promotional materials of any kind within the cattle housing areas except as specifically permitted in writing by NSAS. Any signage or promotional materials distributed within an exhibitor’s stalling space must relate only to farm or farms’ animal advertising, dairy show cattle services and/or enrolled farm enterprises and shall not promote commercial exhibitors or non-exhibitors. Signage or promotional materials that do not relate to farm or animal promotional matters, or dairy show cattle services, is a rules violation and is subject to review by the NSAS Committee. Solicitation of any kind is prohibited in the Barn and Show areas.
Any displays, signage, or promotional material must not protrude into the walkway. Alteration of any portion of any stalling panels is strictly prohibited. Altering or damage to any County-owned property will require either repair at the exhibitor’s expense or replacement with fees assessed to the exhibitor.
Animal Care and Cleanliness
Exhibitors are required to give the necessary personal attention to their livestock and equipment. Every exhibitor will be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage done to or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal exhibited, and for its description as given in the Cattle Log, and shall indemnify the show and hold it harmless from any loss, cost or expense caused by an exhibit. The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets urges that every precaution be taken on the part of exhibitors to use individual utensils in caring for the animals. Common watering troughs are forbidden. Each exhibitor must provide water buckets to be used for his/her stock only. The Department also urges all exhibitors to thoroughly clean and disinfect vehicles used to transport their animals to and from NSAS. All animals should have room enough to be fed and watered in transit, and should not be unloaded or left in a stockyard during transit or at the time of loading or unloading.
Grounds Safety
The New York State Fairgrounds has jurisdiction over the grounds. They mandate that grills must be at least 20’ from a Pavilion, tent or hay storage. Exhibitors may use only propane grills. Charcoal grills are prohibited. Any sort of grilling or open flame within the Pavilions and tents is strictly prohibited. Pop-up Tents are prohibited in the barns. Pop-up tents outside of the barn will be required to have an operable fire extinguisher positioned on the outside of the tent. With regards to power usage, exhibitors are required to plug any appliances (blowers, clippers, crock pots, etc.) into a GFCI power strip/outlet. Heavy duty 3-wire electrical cords must be used and under no circumstances can electrical cords touch straw, hay, metal beams or rafters. New York State Fair Authorities have the authority to look in any pop-up tent, at any time, if there is probable cause. If possible, the Facility Superintendent will check with string personnel prior to tent entry.
Exhibitors are asked to comply with all “No Parking” and other posted safety regulations. Fire lanes around the Pavilions and tent must be kept open. Smoking is prohibited in any Barn, tent or indoor area. Strict adherence to these rules is required. Citations will be issued to anyone parked in a “No Parking” area or caught smoking in any Pavilion, tent or building.
Alcohol and Drug Use Policy
NSAS desires to comply with all existing laws that govern our event, therefore any consumption of alcoholic beverages at NSAS is required to be done responsibly and legally. NSAS strongly encourages moderation in alcohol consumption. Exhibitors are responsible for, and are expected to, eliminate alcohol consumption by minors on grounds. The legal age of alcohol consumption in New York is 21 years old. Violators of the laws will be subject to citations per infraction. NSAS reserves the right to have any individuals violating the laws removed from the New York State Fairgrounds. NSAS assumes no liability for any damages or injuries or death occurring as a result of any individual’s consumption of alcohol. The selling of any alcohol is strictly prohibited at NSAS.
Illegal drug use is strictly prohibited by NSAS and New York State. Violators of the law will be subject to citations per infraction. NSAS reserves the right to have any individuals violating the laws removed from New York State Fairgrounds.
Motorized Vehicles
Other than vehicles registered for use by NSAS staff and volunteers, golf carts and other similar motorized vehicles are not permitted on grounds. Four-wheelers, mopeds, unauthorized gators and unauthorized skid loaders are not permitted on grounds at any time. Single person motorized scooters are allowed with a medical release.
Dogs On Grounds
Dogs are allowed on the New York State Fairgrounds if they are up to date on their vaccines, including rabies, and restrained on leashes no more than six feet (6 ft.) in length. Any dogs who receive complaints or are deemed a nuisance by the NSAS Dairy Show Committee or Facility Superintendents will be issued a warning and if not properly addressed will be asked to remove the animal from the premises.
Health Dept Guidelines
The National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular will be adhering to the most up-to-date restrictions and guidelines issued by the NYS Health Department. Everyone’s health and safety are our priority so please cooperate with our committee members and volunteers when asked.
Dairy Cattle Show Rules & Regulations
Show Management intends to follow suggestions of the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA) in conducting the show, designating the classes and awarding the premiums. Only animals recognized by the Ayrshire Breed are allowed to exhibit at NSAS. All animals exhibiting in the Ayrshire Show must be verified as at least 87% Ayrshire by the U.S. Ayrshire Breeders’ Association.
Interpreting & Amending Rules
The Show Committee reserves the right to amend or add to these rules, if deemed necessary. The Show Committee also reserves the final and absolute right to interpret the rules and regulations of the show, and will arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions or differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the show.
Dress Code & Show Harnesses
All exhibitors are required to wear white trousers and an official harness
when leading animals in the Showring. No hats or caps will be allowed. Shirts with farm names or agricultural logos are allowed. Any violators will not be permitted to enter the ring. Official NSAS Showring Harness is a front-and-back show card harness which holds a 5” x 7” card.
Any person leading an animal at NSAS must be at least 8 years of age as of the opening day of NSAS. No child under age 8 may accompany an adult in the Showring. Only one person is allowed at the halter.
Junior Show Shirts
All junior exhibitors are required to wear a NSAS provided Junior Show shirt and white pants while exhibiting in the Open Show. Provide shirt size when making entries. Shirts may be picked up at the Exhibitor Meeting.
Breeding Animals
Every female over 24 months of age must have calved within 18 months of the show or proven to be with calf or have a pregnancy. Animals shown in the Milking Yearling and older classes must be shown in milking form.
All clones will be considered as offspring of the donor’s dam and sire. Please consider this when entering Produce of Dam and Dam & Daughter classes.
Cell Phones
The use of cell phones or any personal electronic communication device in the Showring is strictly prohibited.
All statements required of exhibitors in making entries in regard to registry, age, pedigree, soundness, veterinary treatments, etc., must be verified by proper affidavit if required.
Heifer/Milking Class Transfers
Animals shall enter and show in only one class. Transfers between equivalent heifer and milking classes will only be permitted with the original animal entered. Class designation must be made no later than show check-in, with exception for animals that freshen after check-in, and must be transferred to their respective milking class. Transfer from a production/component class to an aged cow class (or vice versa) will only be allowed by making a late entry. The entry, with applicable fees, must be made at the time of check-in.
Erroneous Entry
Animals that have been erroneously entered may, at the discretion of the Show Committee, be transferred to their proper classes at cattle check-in.
Showring Numbers
Each individual animal or group entry will receive a unique Showring number. Each entry will be issued one (1) card with the Showring number. This official Showring card will be available for pick up at the Exhibitor Meeting. Following the Exhibitor Meeting, Showring numbers will be available for pick-up in show office. Cards must accompany the animal/group during the show and be displayed in the exhibitor’s show harness while in the Showring so that the animal may be properly checked-in and placed.
To be eligible for competition, whether single or in groups, animals must be entered exactly as ownership appears on the registration certificate. The registration certificate showing the most recent date of activity will be considered official. Registration certificates showing ownership must be available for verification by the Dairy Cattle Show Committee, at any time after the animals are housed. Animals owned in partnership may be shown in the name of the partnership only, except for “Family Unit” as defined below, under EXHIBITOR DEFINED. For example, if Exhibitor A and Exhibitor B own an animal in partnership and each owns animals individually, three (3) separate exhibitors exist.
1 for Exhibitor A; 1 for Exhibitor B; 1 for Exhibitor A & B Partnership
New ownerships can be created after the entry deadline, providing the animal is entered. Ownership cannot change after the animal is checked in ringside for its individual class. In the case of animals sold after entry, notify Diana Parker. Every attempt to announce the new owner will be made. Premiums will be paid to the new owner when complete address and tax identification information is provided.
Group Classes
Paper registration certificates for all animals entered in any group class must be brought into the Showring with the animals. Failure to present the paper registration certificates for any animals entered in a group will automatically disqualify the group. Animals participating in any group class must have checked-in ringside for their individual class.
Breeder Defined
The owner of the dam at the time of service shall be considered the breeder of the animal. Where a herd is registered in the names of different members of a family, and where the herd is one unit, all entries may be considered as exhibits of one breeder. Please Note: To qualify for Bred & Owned Awards, one of the original owners must be listed as one of the current owners. Bred & Owned should also be checked on the entry form. Where a herd is one unit, all entries may be considered as exhibits of one breeder.
Exhibitor Defined
The exhibitor must be the owner. In case a herd is registered or bred in the names of different members of a family, residing on one farm or breeding establishment, and where the herd is one unit, all entries may be considered as a single exhibitor for all group classes. However, members of one family, where cattle are not housed as one unit, will not be considered as a single exhibitor.
Premier Breeder
The breeder winning the most points (not to exceed six animals) in the open single classes exhibited by themselves and/or other exhibitors, shall be designated the Premier Breeder. In classes with 10 or fewer animals, no more than two head per breeder will be counted toward premier points. Unique partnerships must be entered as separate premier breeder entries. If Breeder A and Breeder B bred the animal in partnership and each breed animals individually, three separate premier breeder entries exist.
1 for Breeder A; 1 for Breeder B; 1 for Breeder A & B Partnership
Premier Exhibitor
The exhibitor winning the most points (not to exceed six animals) which he/she owns and exhibits in the open single classes, shall be designated the Premier Exhibitor. In classes with 10 or fewer animals, no more than two head per exhibitor will be counted toward premier points.
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Point System
Points will be given to 20 places for females in determining Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor of the Heifer Show and the Open Show. The following points will be awarded:
Milking Females
Junior Females
Health Regulations
ALL required health papers must accompany the cattle and be available for inspection upon arrival. Cattle will not be health tested on the facility grounds for the purposes of showing. NSAS staff, with assistance from the Official Veterinarian and/or New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM), will check all papers. Animals will not be allowed on the grounds until health papers have been verified.
Cattle without health papers:
1) Will be placed in a quarantine area until proper health papers are presented OR
2) Will be required to leave the grounds
Identification Requirements
All cattle attending NSAS must have official individual identification regardless of age. Acceptable forms of animal identification are: a USDA AIN 840 tag (RFID or visual), a Canadian CCIA RFID 124 tag, or a manufacturer-coded 900, 982 or 985-series RFID tag.*NOTE: Manufacturer coded RFID tags were discontinued as official ID by USDA starting in 2015. However, tags applied before March 11, 2015 will be recognized for the life of the animal.
Requirements for All Cattle
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. You must have a current Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI, also known as a health certificate) issued within 30 days of arrival at fairgrounds, signed by an accredited veterinarian, with animals individually identified. This certificate must be presented upon arrival of cattle to the fairgrounds.
Identification. Each animal must be officially identified via a USDA 840 tag (RFID or visual) or a Canadian AIN RFID 124 tag. There is no age or sexual status exemption for the ID requirement.
Rabies Vaccination. All animals over four (4) months of age on the day of arrival must have been vaccinated for rabies at least 14 days prior to arrival at the fairgrounds but no longer than the labeled time for active protection. This vaccination date and vaccine must be listed on the CVI and must be available to show officials if requested at any time.
Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex. All cattle must show proof of vaccination against the common bovine respiratory disease viruses (shipping fever) not less than 14 days or more than 90 days before arrival at the fairgrounds. Vaccination must include immunization against bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), and parainfluenza (PI). Intranasal vaccines against respiratory viruses are acceptable if given at least 3 days prior to the animal’s arrival at the fairgrounds - this must be listed on the CVI.
BVD Testing. BVD testing is required for all animals (In and Out-Of-State animals). This test identifies persistently infected (PI) animals for their lifetime.
Tuberculosis testing is not required at this time.
A brucellosis test, vaccination or statement is not required.
Animals from Out-Of-State should check with New York State Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) for specific requirements. Information can be obtained by calling (518) 457-3502.
General Notes
All cattle exhibited must be free of contagious and infectious diseases, including ringworm, scabies, mange, warts and pinkeye. Cattle under quarantine are not eligible for exhibition. Cattle that come from an area which is considered to be quarantined because of the presence of or exposure to a highly contagious disease cannot be shown at NSAS. NSAS or NYSDAM have the right to require such tests and examinations as may be necessary to determine the disease status of any animals exhibited, and to exclude or remove, under a permit from NYSDAM, any animal afflicted or suspected of being afflicted with any contagious disease.
Drug Usage
Cattle at the show may only be treated with USDA-licensed FDA-approved drugs. Withdrawal time periods must be strictly observed. Extra label use of all drugs must be under the direction of a licensed veterinarian. Evidence of the same shall be provided in writing if requested by NSAS or NYSDAM.
National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular Showring Policy
and Code of Ethics
The National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular is a nationally-ranked Ayrshire dairy show. As an elite show, the National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular has the responsibility of maintaining a first-class image of fairness and ethics. The regulation of unethical practices is necessary to maintain a positive international reputation and to make sure good animal husbandry is on display for all spectators. National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular seeks to promote exceptional animal practices, attractive exhibits and a high-quality show for exhibitors and spectators.
National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular endorses the PDCA Show Ring Code of Ethics in the breed show and will give full cooperative support to the judges and the respective Ayrshire Breed Association to keep the show procedures within these guidelines.
To detect unethical procedures, Show Management will use technologies for testing animal body fluids or tissues and examination techniques, such as ultrasound. An exhibitor, by making an entry, is consenting to the collection of materials, e.g. milk, blood, hair, etc., photographic or direct examination, at any time the animal is on grounds. Furthermore, by making an entry, the owner(s) and/or exhibitor, as well as any individual handling, caring for or fitting the animal, is agreeing to supply proper animal and personal identification when asked by Ethics Personnel or Show Management.
Extra-label use of all drugs must be under the direction of a licensed veterinarian. Evidence of the same shall be provided in writing, if requested. The following are examples of practices or procedures that are violations of the National Summer Ayrshire Spectacular Showring Policy and Code of Ethics, these include but are not limited to:
Misrepresenting the age, lineage/breed and/or milking status of the animal for the class in which it is entered.
Treating an animal, particularly the udder, without a verifiable veterinary need for that treatment, internally or externally, for the purpose of improving the appearance.
Using a device to artificially create or enhance the udder crease. Note: Ice pieces may be used on an animal if they are contained in a plastic bag.
Administering an injected or applied anesthetic to alter the carriage of the tail or other body parts.
Surgically or unethically inserting any matter under the skin or into any body cavity to change the natural contour or appearance of the animal’s body is prohibited and is a violation of the NSAS Showring Policy and Code of Ethics. After 12 a.m. on the day in which an animal is to show, no administration of fluids by mouth is allowed, unless it is deemed therapeutically necessary and is then only administered by the official NSAS Veterinarian. Therapeutic administration of fluids by stomach pump will be allowed at all other times.
Criticizing or interfering with the judge, ringside volunteer or other exhibitors while in the Showring, on show grounds or other conduct detrimental to the Ayrshire breed or the show.
Challenging, threatening, criticizing or interfering with an Ethics Committee member or volunteer appointed by Dairy Cattle Show Committee to monitor the animals on exhibit on the show grounds.
Failing to provide proper/accurate animal and/or personal identification when asked by Ethics Personal or Show Management.
Adding real or artificial hair or hair-like substances to any part of the animal, except for false switches.
Excessively manipulating topline and/or tailhead hair beyond one (1) inches from the skin. Exhibitors have only one opportunity per show to check-in ringside.
*Should a Topline Violation occur (i.e. adding real or artificial hair or hair-like
substances or if topline hair is in excess of 1 inches): The Ethics Coordinator will inform the exhibitor that if they choose to enter the Showring, after being informed of a Topline Violation, an ethics violation will have occurred. An On-Site Ethics Committee will, in the event of a hair violation where the exhibitor chooses to enter the Showring, act to review the infraction immediately after the animal in question exits the Showring. The On-Site Ethics Committee shall consist of five eligible members with three (3) being present to review and document the second hair measurement. The five members of the Ethics Committee are listed here in this rulebook The ethics ruling after the second evaluation will be final.
Changing the natural color of the animal is prohibited. However, external applications of cosmetics that affect only appearance may be used, including by way of example color touch up of a maximum of 4” on either side of the topline, hoof polishes and false switches.
Mistreatment of an animal.
Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of showmen or their representative(s).
Improper fitting practices, such as over filling and over bagging.
Unethical practices or procedures not listed above are subject to review by the Dairy Cattle Show Committee and the Ethics Committee. At least three (3) of these five (5) will make the initial determination as to whether any disciplinary action is necessary.
Enforcement Procedures
The Ethics Committee, which could include members of the Show Committee, a licensed Veterinarian and/or vet tech assistants, and others appointed by NSAS Dairy Cattle Show Committee, will be on duty at NSAS.
The Ethics Committee will be responsible for monitoring violations of the NSAS Showring Policy and Code of Ethics by exhibitors and their representatives.
To the extent reasonably possible, the identity of the animal, the owner and/or other involved parties will be kept confidential.
Complaints of alleged violations may be presented to the Dairy Cattle Show Committee, NSAS volunteer staff and/or the Ethics Committee.
All complaints of alleged violations received by the above individuals will be presented to the Ethics Coordinator to determine investigative requirements.
All findings of the Ethics Committee will be presented to the Ethics Coordinator.
The Ethics Committee has the authority to inspect all animals to determine if violations of the NSAS Showring Policy and Code of Ethics have occurred. To help in this regard, the Ethics Committee has the authority to perform the following:
Pull hair samples;
Draw blood samples;
Perform an ultrasound examination of the udder, prior to milkout;
Perform a milkout of any individual cow or cows;
Collect and test any of the animal’s body fluids;
Use any technology that may be useful in determining if a violation has occurred in any animal based on placement, random selection or suspect characteristics;
Require delivery to the Ethics Committee of hypodermic syringe, needle or other devices, swabs, cloths, or other material, or samples of any medicine, preparation, or substance, whether in liquid or other form, in the possession or control of the exhibitor, the fitter, agents or persons acting on behalf of the exhibitor for the purpose of laboratory analysis.
Following the judging of the milking cow classes, the first place and two random selections will be ultrasounded and a milk sample may be taken. Any second place cows will be tested if awarded a Reserve Ribbon.
Exhibitors who are selected to have milk samples taken from their animals will be presented a card with directions. Samples are not required to be drawn immediately following the class; however, teat seals may not be removed for milking until an ethics representative is present to take the samples.
An individual who is not necessarily an owner or exhibitor but who commits a violation of the NSAS Showring Policy and Code of Ethics, will be subject to the same ethics enforcement procedures and sanctions as the owner or exhibitor.
If an ethics violation occurs at the show, the Ethics Coordinator may take one of the following courses of action, depending on the severity of the violation. These include, but are not limited to:
Report to the Ethics Committee, who may inform the judge of the violation. The judge may consider the violation in the placing of the class.
Report the violation to at least one of the following two individuals for action to be determined: the Facility Superintendent(s) and/or the Ethics Committee.
Following the completion of NSAS and the evaluation of the hair samples/ measurements, ultrasound readings and upon the receipt of the milk sample and blood sample analysis or other lab reports, and reports of eye witnesses or Ethics Committee personnel, the Ethics Coordinator will submit a report to the Show Director if any violations have occurred. This reporting will happen as soon as reasonably possible after the end of the show.
If evidence suggests that a violation has occurred, the Show Director will promptly notify the accused individual(s) and/or owner(s) as listed on the entry form of the suspected violation and will provide the accused individual(s) with copies of the supporting evidence to the extent reasonably possible. Anonymity of the accused individual(s) and/or animal will be maintained by NSAS throughout the enforcement process and indefinitely. As soon as possible thereafter, an ethics hearing will be scheduled.
The Ethics committee will include an official breed representative, representatives of show management, a veterinarian and show committee representatives.
Promptly after a hearing of the Ethics Subcommittee, the Director will inform the accused individual(s) of the determinations of the Ethics Subcommittee. It is the accused individual(s) responsibility to notify any other owners of the determination by the Ethics Subcommittee.
If found guilty of a violation of the Showring Code of Ethics, the penalty for the individual, the exhibitor, the representative and/or the animal may range from a letter of reprimand to being barred from participating in the NSAS. The identity of the animal(s), exhibitors and/or representatives that are barred will be kept confidential to the extent reasonably possible.
An animal found in violation of the Showring Code of Ethics will not receive any premiums, their placing will be removed and the animal and/or owner/representative must observe any penalty placed upon them.
If the individual, the exhibitor and/or their representatives are guilty of repeating a violation in more than one NSAS, they and/or the animal could be barred from participating at NSAS for life.
Barring an exhibitor or representative and/or an individual will result in animals owned fully or in partnership by that individual, farm and/or affiliated entity not being allowed to enter or exhibit in NSAS shows. The barred individual will also be ineligible to be present in the Showring, and/or serve any other official capacity for the length of the bar.
Rules for Junior-Owned Animals
All general rules of NSAS apply, including the NSAS Showring Policy and Code of Ethics.
The Junior Show will be held at the same time as the Open Show. Juniors will be recognized, placed and awarded ribbons and premiums by stepping forward in their respective Open Show classes.
Eligibility: Participation in this show is open to all young men and women who own registered Ayrshires. Exhibitors may participate after they reach 9 years of age and until December 31 of the year in which he or she turns 21 years old.
Ownership: Animals may be owned solely by the junior exhibitor or in a partnership provided the junior exhibitor’s name appears on the registration paper, prior to August 1. All purchased animals must be transferred by August 1. The recorded date and not the delivery date will be considered the transfer date. Registration papers will be checked at the show. In lieu of ownership, an Ayrshire Breeders’ Association lease agreement will be accepted. The lease form must be received by the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association office prior to August 1st.
Participation: a) A junior exhibitor may exhibit up to two (2) animals per class, with a substitute showman, (see alternate leadsperson below). Not more than four may be shown in the entire show that were not bred by the exhibitor. In order to qualify as breeder, the registration paper must show the junior exhibitor or a partnership including the junior exhibitor as the breeder. b) Adults are not allowed to show in any Junior class or assist in the ring. c) White pants and an official NSAS Junior Show shirt are required to be worn or the junior will not be allowed to show his/her animal.
Leadsperson: To be eligible to compete at National Shows, entries must be shown by the Junior owner in all cases, except by prior written approval. Alternate Leadsperson forms must be submitted to the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association office or ABA representative by 5:00 p.m. the day before the show (Thursday, July 21st). Written requests must be submitted by this time or the animal is ineligible to show, unless there is an unforeseen circumstance. Alternate leadspersons must be (1) siblings of the exhibitor who are eligible to show by age, OR (2) if not a sibling, be of the same age category (Junior – ages 9-12) (Intermediate- ages 13-15) (Senior – ages 16-21) as the exhibitor of the animal being shown. All ages are as of January 1st of the year of competition.
Entry Requirements: All open show entry requirements and fees apply. The stall fee will qualify the exhibitor for open and junior show participation. All entries must be made on NSAS’s entry application, submitted online with proper payment. Junior Exhibitor must be checked on the animal entry to signify Junior ownership.
Financial Support: Premiums are not awarded in the Junior Show.
Youth Showmanship Contest
Thursday, July 25th at 1:00 p.m.
Brad Ainslie - Official Judge
Pre-Registration Entry Due: 10:00 a.m on Thursday, July 25th
General Contest Rules
Participants must meet the age requirement and have verification of age available.
Contestants must provide their own animals. Contestants need not own the animal they show. Animals shown must already be on grounds and entered in the NSAS show. Contestants are responsible for obtaining approval from the owner if the animal used is not their own.
A contestant must use the same animal in the finals as he/she used in their earlier class.
Milking females do not need to be “bagged” for competition. Extra credit will not be given for those who are bagged.
The judges may ask questions about the breed, showing and fitting and the general dairy industry.
The PDCA Showmanship Evaluation Card will be used for the judging of the showmanship contest.
The Decisions of the judges and contest superintendent are final.
Parents are to adhere to the Showring Code of Ethics and to practice good sportsmanship at all times.
Past winners may participate again in the Junior and Intermediate Divisions.
Past winners may not participate again in the Senior Division.
Class lengths are at the discretion of the judge and can vary between classes.
Ayrshire Show
Heifer Show - Friday, July 26th at 2:00 p.m.
Kaleb Kruse - Official Judge
All animals exhibiting in the Ayrshire Show must be verified as at least 87% Ayrshire by the U.S. Ayrshire Breeders’ Association.
Spring Heifer Calf: Born on or after March 1, 2024 and over 4 months of age at show time
Winter Heifer Calf: Born 12/1/23-2/29/24
Fall Heifer Calf: Born 9/1/23-11/30/23
Summer Yearling Heifer: Born 6/1/23-8/31/23
Spring Yearling Heifer: Born 3/1/23- 5/30/23
Winter Yearling Heifer: Born 12/1/22 - 2/28/23
Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk): Born 9/1/22 - 11/30/22
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion
Junior Best Three Females: Group to consist of 3 animals Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk) and younger, none of which have freshened. All three animals must have been bred by the exhibitor and at least one owned by the exhibitor. Partnership bred animals, outside the family, may not be included in this class. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.
Premier Breeder of Heifer Show
Premier Exhibitor of Heifer Show
Milking Show - Saturday, July 27th at 9:00 a.m.
Kaleb Kruse - Official Judge
All animals exhibiting in the Ayrshire Show must be verified as at least 87% Ayrshire by the U.S. Ayrshire Breeders’ Association.
Yearling Heifer in Milk (must have freshened): born September 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022
Summer Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (must have freshened)- Born June 1, 2022- August 31, 2022
Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (must have freshened): Born March 1 - May 31, 2022
Senior Two-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022
Junior Three-Year-Old Cow: Born March 1 - August 31, 2021
Senior Three-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2019 - February 29, 2021
Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show
Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion
Four-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2019 - August 31, 2020
Five-Year-Old Cow: Born September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019
Aged Cow: Born before September 1, 2018
Lifetime Component Merit Cow: Must meet one of the following two requirements: 100,000 lbs. lifetime milk produced OR produced 7,500 combined pounds of fat and protein. Official DRMS/DHIA production records required by 6:00 p.m. on July 21.
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion
Best Bred and Owned of the Junior Show
Best Bred and Owned of the Open Show
Senior Best Three Females: Group to consist of 3 animals Yearling Heifer in Milk and older. All three animals must have been bred by the exhibitor and at least one owned by the exhibitor. Partnership bred animals, outside the family, may not be included in this class. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.
Exhibitor’s Herd: The class will consist of five animals: two (2) over two years of age, two (2) under two years of age and one (1) any age. Must be owned by the same family or farm.
Dam & Daughter: Two animals, the dam and her daughter, any age. Both animals must be named on the entry form but need not be owned by the same exhibitor. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry per dam.
Produce of Dam: Two animals, any age, the produce of one cow which must be named. Animals need not both be owned by one exhibitor.