2024 Exhibitor Update
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Syracuse soon. We have a few important updates and reminders for exhibitors, so please read the information below as it will likely answer any questions you may have.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, contact information for the committee is listed at the bottom of this email. We look forward to seeing you! Please share the live links and results page with friends, family and fellow breeders - links for the live feeds of the show and the results page can be found at www.ayrshirespectacular.com
The New York State Fairgrounds is immediately adjacent to Route 690 just West of Syracuse. It is easily accessible from the New York State Thruway (Rt. 90) from the West and East, and from Route 81, North and South. You can follow the signs to the Fairgrounds once you enter the Syracuse area. If you are traveling with a cattle trailer, it is our suggestion that you DO NOT take 298/Bear Street Exits and instead take 690/Exit 39 on NY Thruway-90 to 690 East. It is a slightly higher toll if you're coming from the East, but a much more comfortable drive with cattle than downtown corridors.
Street address is: 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, New York 13209
GPS coordinates are: 43.073857,-76.215708
We will be housed in the Beef Barn, NOT the Dairy Barn. Enter the fairgrounds through GATE 2 on State Fair Boulevard and turn right to head down Towanda Street, then turn left at Belle Isle Street. The Beef Barn is located on the right side, across from the Exposition Center. Please see the map below. Trailer and vehicle parking will be in the gravel lot ACROSS from the Exposition Center. Please do not park trailers by the wash rack, use this space only to unload.

Stalling & Move-In
Stalling tags will be posted throughout the barn. Move in & arrival will be Tuesday July 23rd from 4pm-11pm and Wednesday July 24th from 6am-11pm. We cannot accept early arrivals of animals OR tack due to NY State Fair contract regulations. Thursday morning arrival is by appointment only - if you have not reached out yet to notify us that you plan to move in Thursday, please do so ASAP. All animals must be in place by 10 am on Thursday, July 26th. Animals may leave after they have shown. Please be courteous of those still showing. All animals should plan to leave by 11PM on Saturday, July 27th.
Reminders and Requirements
There are NO milking facilities in the Beef Barn, all exhibitors must bring their own milk pump and buckets if bringing cows. Milk will be disposed of behind the barn into a tanker.
MILK AND GARBAGE MUST NOT BE DISPOSED OF IN THE MANURE PIT. Garbage is to be placed in garbage cans and dumpsters, milk must be dumped into the transfer tank behind the barn. Exhibitors failing to adhere to this rule will be disqualified, asked to leave and fined by New York State Fairgrounds and Onondaga County.
There are NO TENTS allowed in the barn or for camping per NY State Fair. This includes pop-ups. No open flames and no gas grills allowed within the barns. Sleeping in the barn is allowed, but cannot be in a tent or enclosed space.
Camper spots are still available, please let us know if you need a camper site at $35/night. There are two areas for camping, please see the map below. They are equal distance from the barn, the only difference is the access to sewer hook-ups as shown on the map. Sites are first-come, first-serve and you can choose which site you would like as there is plenty of room.
Animal Check-In: Animals cannot be unloaded from trailers until they have been checked in by show staff and our on-site veterinarian. Please have CVI (health charts) available and ready. All animals must have an RFID tag that matches their ID on the CVI and will be wanded to confirm identity. This is a reminder that ALL milking animals MUST provide proof of a Negative Influenza A test by an approved NAHLN laboratory within 7 days of their movement to the show. This CANNOT be a written note on a health chart and we are required to see the proof of negative results from the laboratory. You must have PAPER copies of your Health Charts/Certificate of Veterinary Inspection along with matching registration papers. Virtual/Digital records are not an acceptable form of health charts for entry at this time. Animals will be wanded with an RFID scanner for RFID tags according to the entry information submitted in Showman, so we are asking that you update your entries with any substitutions in Showman to accurately reflect the animals you will actually be bringing. Please let us know if you have any questions on how to make substitutions.
National Junior Show Reminders
All youth entered in the Junior Show MUST be youth/junior members of the US Ayrshire Breeders Association and entries will be checked by the ABA office prior to the show. Youth may join as a junior at the show if needed by filling out a form and paying the $20 fee, or the form can be found at http://www.usayrshire.com/PDF/Jr%20Membership%20-%202022.pdf. Please note, this is NOT the same as NY Ayrshire Club or NY Junior Ayrshire Club membership. Youth that are not signed up as junior members with ABA by the show will be ineligible for junior recognition and will only be entered in the Open show. Leased animals must have the appropriate paperwork on file with ABA. Alternate leadsperson forms will need to be submitted by 5PM at the latest the day before each show and must adhere to the requirements outlined in the form for ABA including the age of the leadsperson in the same group as the owner/exhibitor. Links to those forms can be found at http://www.usayrshire.com/youth.html
Feed Store & Show Supplies
Jeremiah with Twist of Fate Spinnery will be on site. He appreciates pre-orders and has most all supplies and show equipment available, reach out to him at 860-759-9335. He will be available for sharpening services as needed for blades!
Harry Moore is still able to accept orders of bedding, hay and beet pulp to be delivered to the fairgrounds. Please call him at 315-727-0134 to place your pre-orders. NY State Fair charges him a hefty fee on each item sold to be a vendor, so we realize the prices are slightly higher than retail, but you have the convenience of your bedding and feed being delivered directly to the barn for you.
The final schedule for the show is below. Please note the exhibitors meeting is mandatory. We hope you'll join us for the hospitality events, activities and meals that we have scheduled.
There are a variety of restaurants and stores available for meal pickups and delivery locally on apps like GrubHub/InstaCart/DoorDash. Please join us for the NY Ayrshire Club Meeting on Thursday evening and the National Youth Ayrshire Fund Benefit Auction on Friday evening!
Show Committee Contact Information:
Diana Parker - 607-725-0437
Marlene Helms - 315-729-0341
Taylor Bogardus - 518-928-7708
Dr. Kathy Mahon - 607-337-8944
Rachel Evans - 315-750-8851
Kelly Wilcox - 585-322-3659
Charlie Clark - 570-479-5877
Angela Fuller - 585-322-3148
Amanda Licata - 607-437-9738
Toni Jacque - 413-687-7129